Monday, August 24, 2009

A Few Days In

So I've been here a couple days and I'm still learning to settle. It's summer time for a while still (2 weeks, but when you're not doing much it feels like a while). I wanted to post a couple pictures here and there of some things I've been up to.

I'm really excited though because tomorrow I'm taking a train to Utrecht then Crystal is picking me up to hang out in Zoetemeer for the day! It's been pretty lonely around here seeing that the kids are young/only speak Dutch (I'm slowly but surely trying) and well, I can only talk to my host parents so much. It'll be nice to see a familiar face and should help to break up the monotony of summer (ridiculous thing to say, isn't it?).

My birthday went by without much excitement...I got to choose a cake, which I have to say was delicious. But that was about the extent of it. We ate tacos for dinner and I called it a night pretty early on.

At this point I'd say I'm adjusting fairly well to the time difference but I feel like I slept like a log yesterday! I had a lot of dreams though. One where I yelled at some people in Chipotle because of a bad burrito. Oh well.

ANYWAYS, yesterday we went to the...uhm, Papagooienpark in Veldhoven. That would be the Parrot Park. It was funny at first, thankfully they were caged up, my host mother was giving me the impression that they were flying around all free and whatnosh and kids just played on playgrounds beneath swooping tropical animals. Not the case. We fed them nuts which the children slightly begrudgingly shared with me. It was kinda gross though with the plethora of feathers and pooping birds; it was - personally, a bit much.

I've been taking walks/bike rides with my host mom to explore the area. She's nice to talk to and whatnot, just to get out of the house/break the togetherness. It's typically the latter part of the evening after the kids go to bed and usually puts at just the right level of exhaustion to retire for the day.

Today we went to the City Council of Waalre to get me registered - it wasn't interesting or anything I just thought I'd include it.

I guess I'll go study Dutch now.

Ok nevermind I'm not going to upload pictures it's taking forever.

1 comment:

Marleigh said...

When you're in Utrecht, wave to me! haha I'm "close" to Utrecht. AKA like 30 minutes away haha. Have fun!